BigBang(s) Artwork roundup

May 10, 2011 12:00

I figured this would be an easy way to keep track of my 'bigbang' artwork and also so any future author that I might work with can have easy access to my past BB art.

I'll include spn_j2_bigbang  as well as other BigBangs art...

: 2008 :

artwork for 'Walls' - this was my first and still my absolute FAVORITE BigBang artwork that I've ever done. I adore Jared's 'artwork' the mural and sketches and just everything about this one.  (made for spn_j2_bigbang & story written by dhvana )

artwork for 'The Taming of the You-Know-Who' - looking back I find so many flaws in this it's kinda sad...and I hate the face I chose for chubby Sam. *sighs* But I like everything about the OCs.  (made for spn_j2_bigbang & story written by innie_darling)

: 2009 :

artwork for 'Going to California' - I really loved doing this artwork too, I LOVE my version of college!Sam so much and I still use a few of the icons that I made for this and I really like a couple of the wallpapers as well.  (made for spn_j2_bigbang & story written by rustyryan  & sevenarchangels)

artwork for 'The Perfect Kind of Happily Ever After' - I wasn't originally suppose to do artwork for this story, but I woke up to a 'Please help me!' email from a friend and decided that I couple spare a few hours and help her out. I finished EVERYTHING within 4 hours and I really kinda like everything about it just about...I'm not really a great manip person (at least I don't think I am) but I had to do pregnant!Danneel manips and I actually think they turned out kinda great. Plus the babies are adorable.  (made for spn_j2_bigbang & story written by incompletework2 )

artwork for 'Bad News Never Had Good Timing' - the author for this one never finished the fic...and then never even comment on any of the artwork that I posted. It really kinda pissed me off because you know how I just said I wasn't a manip person? Well almost everything that I did had some kind of a manip going on in it. *sighs* I like the over all finished result, but there's definitely things that I would/could do differently now.  (made for spn_j2_bigbang)

: 2010 :

artwork for 'Nightmares Don't Always Come at Night' - the was I think the very first crossover bang that I ever made graphics for and it was one of those that I actually liked working on...great author and a fun crossover between Supernatural and The Vampire double the hot brothers. ;)  (made for sncross_bigbang & story written by  spirited_lizard)

artwork for 'Celebrity Skin' - what to say about this one...I have mixed emotions about this because I worked extensively with the author (who happens to be a great friend) on every little thing and we both loved what the final drafts looked like and then I was murdered over at that damn anonymous comm, they hated absolutely everything and pretty killed my self-esteem and my morale...hell I'm still fighting with my muse to come back to me and it's May 2011... But even with all the crap I still really like how much I got to play around with the graphics and I think that the magazine covers turned out pretty good for my first try at something like that....   (made for spn_j2_bigbang & story written by engel82)

artwork for 'Write Your Name All Over My Paper Heart' - this ended up being artwork for one of my all time favorite story 'verses so I was so happy, yet so freaked out to work on the graphics. *lol* I think the graphics overall turned out kinda pretty...and I'm still absolutely in love with one of the wallpapers. ;)  (made for spn_j2_bigbang & story written by toxica939)

artwork for 'Big Fluffy Rainbows' - SO MUCH FUN! Seriously I worked with a really great friend and we just said 'You know what fuck it, let's just have fun' and we did. Both with the story and the artwork.  (made for rpf_big_bang & story written by engel82)

artwork for 'You and Everything I Wanted' - This was such a great experience! It was one of the artwork first and then story challenges and I loved every single bit of this. I ended up working with an amazing person & I loved her story so damn much that I went back and changed almost everything about my original prompt artwork to match her story better, but I didn't care because I absolutely LOVED everything that I came up with the second time around. *lol* Seriously I'm truly in love with my second set of ideas that I came up with and I think they're really bright and pretty. ;)   (made for spn_reversebang & story by icelily01)

: 2011 :

So far these are the summaries for the stories I'll be working on:

Title: Come on the Rising Wind  Author: chemm80   Crossover: Sons of Anarchy 
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Jax, Dean, various Samcro members
Summary: (Set late Season Two, post Folsom Prison Blues for SPN, preseries Sons of Anarchy)
sequel of sorts the 2009 Crossover Big Bang story “Fortunate Son"

Fresh off their escape from the FBI in Arkansas, Sam’s visions draw the Winchesters to Charming, California and into the dangerous world of Jackson Teller. They’ve come to save Jax from the fate Sam has foreseen, but nothing is ever that simple.
Jax is keeping secrets from his brothers, Sam isn’t seeing everything as clearly as he thinks, and Dean just wants to go to Vegas. Turns out, the trick is getting everyone out alive.

Title: The Only Hope For Me Is You  Author: engel82   Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Chad/Ian

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki always knew what life had in store for them; whether it was good or bad, it was something they could hang on to and that they knew how to deal with. When their best friends, Chad and Ian, finally get together after a few months of harmless flirting, their lives and the lives of their friends take a turn that none of them expected. What should have been simple business and a desperate one night stand slowly grow into something more, as the four of them realize that life rarely goes according to plan.

Title: the boy who blocked his own shot  Author: alakewood  
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, (also with: Jared/Sandy, Jared/CMM, Jensen/Tom Welling)
Summary:  High School AU.

The Ackles family moves into the Padalecki's San Antonio neighborhood the summer before Jared and Jensen are to begin high school. Their friendship has a rocky start but they become inseparable by the end of summer. Each harboring a similar secret, they start growing apart as they join school activities and make new friends - until things come to a crashing, awkward halt at a summer kick-off party after their junior year. Nothing goes the way they planned when they were fourteen and they drift apart, unable or unwilling to find their way back to each other. But, when Jared learns that their estrangement may have been for nothing, can anything be salvaged from the wreckage of their friendship?

Now, I'll go back to being busy...


fandom things, graphics, when fandoms collide, bigbang: artwork, \o/ me!, i guess i'm a silly fangirl, lj-land

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