I know there's gotta be someone...

Jul 29, 2009 18:08

OK, so I know that I'm a complete slacker and I haven't been replying to emails or posting anything substantial lately...but, well I kinda need some help and I'm hoping that someone reading this can help me.

I'm working on a personal project for myself that has to do with the SPN convention in Vancouver next month and I'm stuck. I really really need some high quality screencaps of Gabriel Tigerman, Aldis Hodge and Jake Abel from their episodes of the show. I have 'caps, but they're all low-res and they won't work for what I need them for... So does anyone know of any super Hi-Res screencaps of these guys??? And does anyone have an awesome hi-res picture of the Impala?? Maybe a pic of the taillights or something??

Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated. When I'm all done with what I'm doing I'll let you all in on what exactly it is and how it turns out...

Ok, now I'm gonna go back to sweating in our 101 degree temperature...*ugh*


**OH! and if anyone cares, I changed up my layout and profile page. Check it out: keyweegirlie keyweegirlie**

fandom things, pretty please??, graphics, supernatural, i guess i'm a silly fangirl, lj-land, rambles, flist love, vancon '09, so....i've got a question for ya, brain meltingly hot & not in a good way, requests, thanks!, you rock \m/, a little help?

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