spn_j2_bigbang time again!! However this art post is actually one that I wasn't intending to do, but the author is a friend and something happened with her artist and I woke up this morning to a 'Please help me!' email so I'm really nervous about how this one will be received especially because Sarah hasn't seen any of this yet because she's at work now and also because I completed these within about 4 hours or so this afternoon, they would have been posted earlier today, but I had some family obligations to take care of first.
Anyways, this is the story summary:
Jared and Jensen have been together for almost four years. They have settled into their life together and are ready to move forward together, ready to take the next step in starting their family. It all sounded so simple in the adoption brochures, fill out a few forms, do a few interviews and get a baby. Simple, right? Only it’s not. A past mistake takes away their ability to adopt and crushes their dreams of having a baby. Until a friend steps forward and makes an offer that will change their lives forever.
~ Fic Post:
'The Perfect Kind of Happily Ever After' ~ Author:
incompletework2 ~ Artist:
keyweegirlie ~
Even though I only had a short amount of time to get this finished I still went nuts and made a bunch of otherwords be prepared for lots of graphics. So you wanna see what all I did? Then just clicky click
BIGBANG '09: 'The Perfect Kind of Happily Ever After' *hugs*