icon challenges: Supernatural - Sons of Anarchy - LOST related
May 19, 2010 15:02
Hey guys, I've been working on artwork for this year's spn_j2_bigbang and I think it's helped my artistic muse/icon mojo find it's way back...
Hopefully, some of you will agree. ;)
{x} 63 multi-fandom (mainly SPN) icon challenges icons (challenge entries = ***) --> 1-20 Supernatural (John, Andy & Jo) - for spn_rumble round 3 challenge #10 'TWO EMOTIONS' --> 21-23 Sons of Anarchy - for tv_icontests challenge #80 'ICONIC' --> 24-26 LOST - for tv_icontests challenge #80 'ICONIC' --> 27-63 Supernatural (amulet, laptop, journal, fake!badges, IMPALA & broken!Dean) - for tv_icontests challenge #80 'ICONIC' {x} Please leave a comment if snagging any {x} Credit me = keyweegirlie | keywee_icons | need help? click here {x} Enjoy, but DON'T hotlink! {x} Please don't animate/alter/add anything to the icons. You want something added? Just ask {x} Screencaps were provided by the challenge communities as well as rawr_caps | rawr-caps.net | LOST-media
spn_rumble Rd 3 chall 10: Two Emotions123**4****5**