Aug 26, 2012 23:22
Brian's magazine piece puts Will in a dangerous state, then Mac in a right tizzy, then me in a sort of open-mouthed stare. (They didn't think the guy who thought Mac cheated on him with Will would write a scathing piece? Okay.)
In Mac and Will's absence, Sloan and Don decide to take a leadership role in the newsroom by filling the utter vacuum of sexual tension with some really solid work. Sloan has some career decisions to make, and she makes them.
Will and the team produce and air an episode exploring the voter ID laws and skewering the Tea Party.
TMI's Nina Howard locates her conscience, to the extent that she tells Mac she's about to run a story on Will. (Not to the extent that she won't do it.) Will and Charlie deduce Nina's source and use Solomon Hancock's information to their benefit.
Jim and Maggie continue to be Jim and Maggie.
the newsroom