The Newsroom 1.9: The Blackout Part 2: Mock Debate

Aug 21, 2012 23:51

The team still need more Casey Anthony to get the debate. Lisa's only friend pimps her out to ACN, which involves a visit to Lisa's workplace you'd THINK would alienate her further (past the point where Maggie revealed her secret to a news organization for her own gain). But no, Lisa is (among other positions) a stand-up girl and she agrees to be interviewed. It doesn't go that great.

Will shows the RNC reps (including Adam Fucking Arkin, ladies and gents) their mock debate. Shockingly, the RNC don't cotton to Will absolutely skewering the half-statements the "candidates" are allowed to make.

A flower delivery outs Don as a "we were on a break" kind of boyfriend. Maggie convinces Lisa to give Jim another chance and, because Maggie's ideas usually work out well for Lisa, she agrees.

Sloan agrees to be the object of Neal's faux-trolling; he gets his foot in the door but finds he needs more to establish himself and get his super icky and wholly inconsequential story to fly.

the newsroom

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