Apr 01, 2012 14:50
some more from the green spring semester notebook. jr year.
there are unsung heroes. they are people too.
i bet theres some in this very room, or at least a few.
there are unsung heroes, who don't get noticed, who don't get fame.
these are names and faces that history will forget. but i know that they are heroes of the every day.
that friend who will always lend you money and rarely ask it back.
your mom or dad who might silently resent having to bail you out but
never making a peep about it.
that guy or girl at work or school, who always has your back even though you never follow through on hanging out.
those unsung heroes we all know, who bum us cigarettes,
who lend us that quarter or dollar at the register.
but more so even those people who are always there when you turn around, who are always fingering your bootstrap just in case you fall.
these are unsung heroes, they die every day, by many they remain forgotten,
so here just let me say, seek out your unsung heroes and reward them for their way.
there is an awkward girl in my class. she might be learning impaired.
'cause she dresses like a third grader. which isn't funny. it is sad.
she speaks far too deliberately but still doesn't have good pronunciation.
it bums me out sitting across from her.