Dec 26, 2006 01:07
That's right... I'm bringing her back. The 'ol LJ. I need to vent, I like public ventilation, it's a peak into my mind. Not the entire 360 degrees of revolving windows, but a nice square window upon which to gaze.
To begin, I will do nothing revolutionary or monumental.... to begin. A nice questionaire of which I stole from the Eric Wickham. Here goes, and enjoy:
do you have a goldfish? Dad has some in our little pond... does that count?
has your favorite color ever been orange? I think when I was in the 1st grade?
are you afraid of the ocean? Sometimes... those damn undercurrents freak me OUT!
do you like long, high, socks? um... 1980 what?
what do you think of the current president? I think this question should be... "Does the current president think?"
where were you born? Cincinnati, Ohio.
is there a quote you really like? "Despite everything, I believe people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank.
have you ever met a celebrity? Yeah, for sure (not including the mirror ; ) ka-CHING
ever done drugs before? Don't tell mom
can you imagine your life without your family? I'm trying right now.... I will cry.
what if raindrops were as big as bowling balls and weighed as much too? Our world would be SOOO different!! Just THINK how buildings would be made? OOOooo maybe there would be lasers set up everywhere to make a forcefield around our cities to prevent them from ever hitting us! Oooo and pirates too... no reason, it would just be cool to have lasers and pirates everywhere.
do you like the color yellow? Not ON me... but sunflowers are my favorite flowers?
have you ever wanted to be a teacher? Yep! I am one right now!! I would like to be in the future again some day... a professor at THAT! : )
a fireman / firewoman? Yeah i have actually... though onl a blip.
are you allergic to anything? Nada.
are you wearing socks? yep
what color are they? white
do you believe in santa clause? I never did... : (
what about the tooth fairy? At one time i did... and then i woke up on my dad with his hand under my pillow... hmm... creepy now that i think of it
who is your best friend? Jessica Boor...even if I'm not hers.... Jessica Boor.
do you get an allowance? No...
how much [if any]? (See above)
do you have a job? And how.
are you a good singer? I sing....?
what time is it? 1:16am
have you ever bungee jumped? No!!! ( i sooo want to)
what about skydiving? No!!! ( i sssoooooo want to even MORE!)
are you cold? for once.... no! Holy #%@*
what do you think about abortion? I can see both sides... but I am pro choice. Though I think there needs to be a law... Where both sides must compromise... in order to have some structure on it. Some point where it is no longer allowed. (I know this is not perfect in ANY stretch... but what is?) Also... ther eis NO way to answer that question here and now. (Well yes there is, but i'm not.)
is your favorite color green? close! I do Love it... it's blue.
do you like cats? eh...
have you ever smoked? One and a half entire cigarettes... God i'm rebellious.
how many pets have you had? on the 3rd dog, some goldfish out in the pond, a beta of my own,... some number?
what is your aim screen name? keyofblue8
who is your favorite actress? For the last couple of years it has been Hillary Swank
favorite actor? Jamie Foxx
best song of all time? "What a Wonderful World."
best band of all time? Elton John? Rascal Flatts? (hard question, man!)
does marilyn manson freak you out? poor thing : ( He/she's sad deep down maybe.
ever had sushi? mmmm hmmm!!! LOOOOVE it! : )
do you like the name megan? It's not bad!
what about the name eugene? Makes me think of Gene Wilder... so it's nice sort of lol.
do you have a bestfriend? Mmm hmmm... a wife... does that count? ; )
whos on your mind? Eric Wickham
are you single? Yes
are all of your grandparents still living? No... :(
do you enjoy dancing in the rain? I do indeed!! ESPECIALLY if it's a show tune! haha
are you tired? A BIT... I really want to go lie down in my bed under the covers and read.
do you like the beatles? SO much! :)
what are your parents' names? Mike (Myron) and Sheliah
do you have a sister? Indeed (younger, 20, Buddhist)
or a brother? Yep (Younger, 18, a lil tart)
how old are you? 22
what school do you go to? The Ohio State University
if you had one, what would your theme song be? "Far Away" by Nickelback (at this moment)... please don't read TOO much into that
what sports do you play? Soccer, Tennis, racquetball, bowling (sport?)
do you like starbucks? I do indeed!
do you eat at mc donalds? Never
have you ever gone scuba diving? no, though i bet it's amazing!
biggest addiction? health/nutrition/fitness
what was the longest you ever talked on the phone for? 6 or 7 hours...maybe 8?
do you like swimming? Only to work out... otherwise i find it very boring!!
what do you want to be when you grow up? a dad, a Lover, a best friend
do you like pens or pencils better? Pens
markers or crayons? i would LIKE to say crayons cause it evokes childhood memories and playfulness.... but i'll be real and say markers.
black or white? Black... it's confident. White... it's clean. Flip a coin.
do you like dogs? yessum! :)
do you believe in god? Very much so, yes.
how many people do you have on your buddylist? 175
do you have a friend named Nicole? an old friend... i dated her (yes her! lol) in the 6th grade or so.
whats on your desktop? A picture of a female model in a red dress, dancing and leaning up against a very beautiful woman african woman in traditional african robe, it's celebrating the "RED" campaign to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. (they are smiling beautiful smiles and absolutley laughing and Loving whatever moment they are in! : )
last thing you drew in paint? random colors and designs in waterpaint to make a "stained glass window" out of paper to demonstrate for my students in art class
what time do you usually go to sleep? between 1 and 3 on weekdays, and I WILL be going to bed about 11 when school starts back in (that's the goal at least)
about how many hours of tv do you watch a day? Less than an hour for sure. (Unless it's Sunday and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is on :)
the color of your nails? the color I was born with?
do you wear bracelets a lot? every day! (I'm wearing one from the (RED) Campaign now actually that my brother got me for Christmas! : )
do you love techno music? Love? Let's say "Enjoy at times"
can you drive, well? Fairly... though don't ask my family that... (sore subject as of today)
do you have acne problems? Never luckily.
have you ever had chickenpox? Yep
do you read stephen king books? Nope
last person you saw? Sister.
do you like water? I do... though i really dislike PEEING!
what do you look for in the preferred gender? Open-mindedness, gentle, open to their feelings, care about their own health, patient, enjoys to LAUGH, funny, physically attractive to me (i have no "type")... I'll know what I prefer when I meet him.
last time you showered? This morning
do you wear cologne / perfume? every day... I LOOOVE cologne... it's a problem lol.
how late do you sleep until? 8 hours... so it depends on when i go to bed
whats your bedtime? Depends on what I have to do the next day lol. (AGain, 8 hours of sleep)
do you watch that show on disney channel called hannah montana? Who? (Poor girl probably gets teased at school AALLL the time...)
favorite word? Love
last person you kissed? Mom.
how tall are you? 5'9
do you like llamas? hahaha... wait, what?
have you ever cut yourself? On accident, yes.
last time you went swimming? Over the summer with Mike, Cory, and Nick at my pool.
are you still a virgin? I am not.
do you like skateboarding? Not really... it doesn't do anything for me.
can you surf? I can SORT of wind surf... hence i've tried it once or twice lol
are you wearing shoes? No
sunrise or sunset? Sunset
most hated insect? those gross milipede (not really) looking things BLECH (i just shivers thinking about it.... gross) lol
biggest fear? regrets... wondering what could have been.
worst memory? Either thinking someone very close to me was going to commit suicide and having to call the police and search for this individual... or having the only person I've really Loved (no longer i assure you lol) date someone else for the first time after we broke up...
best memory? Holding the first person I ever Love'ds hand for the first time (it was my first Love... lol come on, let me be cheesy)
are most of your friends boys? yeah... probably
what are you most excited about? Right now? Shopping with Eric soon to be followed by a New Years Eve with my Jese! : )
any plans for today? I plan on going to bed under the covers and reading
how about tomorrow? waking up and working out FIRST thing in the morning, then just meandering around @ home in Loveland, calling OSU, and probably working on some monologues or other thins to prepare for Grad school auditions
do you hate anyone right now? no...
have you ever shoplifted? No...
did you get busted? no.
last time you went shopping? about a week ago i suppose?
what did you eat for lunch today [or what are you going to eat]? I had some ham and green beans... ( I really don't eat meals... i do a lot of grazing... i'm a bird or a cow or a... me?)
are you a little kid on the inside? haha.... just ask jess
do you miss anybody? I do... one person in particular, and its the first time i've actually MISSED him in a long time... and i'm ok with it for the first time in a long time... :) So it's not so bad, actually (lol that was long and convulted... it makes sense in my head)