(no subject)

Apr 18, 2009 07:24

Title: Heartbeat
Author: keyla_yeppo
Pairing: Kangin/Eeteuk
Genre: Fluff... I think
Rating: General
Disclaimer: This my first fanfiction so excuse the grammatical error and I do not own Super Junior even though I wish I do
Summary: For Kangin, Eeteuk is his heartbeat

Dedicated to shaniskara... I have fulfilled my promise now, dongsaeng!

For Kangin, Eeteuk is his heartbeat

Kangin clearly remembered the first time he saw Eeteuk. It was a beautiful starry night and he was out with some friends for a drink. He remembered coming back just past midnight to the dorm that he shared with other SM trainees. He was a little bit drunk at that time, stumbling along the way to the door of his dorm. He remembered he stepped into the dorm but instead of heading to his bedroom he headed towards thebalcony. He thought that maybe he could get some fresh air to help him sober a little bit. The dorm that Kangin shared with his friends was at the 5th floor and the balcony of their apartment had a nice of view of the city. He opened the slide door and stepped out to the balcony, holding onto the railing. Kangin remembered looking up and saw the stars.

He breathed deeply and closed his eyes for a moment before opening it just to find the most breathtaking thing or person ever. There, just two balconies away on his left probably in the 7th floor, stood the most beautiful person Kangin had ever seen. ‘He isn’t even a person. He has to be an angel’, Kangin thought. The angel had short silky brown hair. His skin was so fair that it reminded Kangin of the milk Kangin drank this morning. And Kangin just wanted to kiss the tip of the angel’s pointed nose. The angel closed his eyes, a soft smile painted on his flawless face. A small dimple showing from the left side of his mouth. Kangin just gaped at the sight. He suddenly forgot how to breathe. His heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds.

The angel finally opened his eyes and heaved a content sigh at the beautiful stars on the sky. He suddenly turned back and went inside his apartment, leaving Kangin dumbfounded. The next morning, Kangin couldn’t get the angel out of his head.  He was sober enough to know that what he saw last night was a reality. He began to wait at the balcony after midnight for the angel but he never saw him again after that fateful night.

For Kangin, Eeteuk is his hearbeat

Nearly five months after that night, Kangin was summoned to the SM headquarter. He was finally gonna be put into a group. After Four Seasons project was cancelled, Kangin actually learnt to not hope so much in stuffs like this. He came into one of the offices in the 23rd floor and found ten boys already sitting there. There was a man in his late 20s introduced him to the ten boys and said that they were the members of the group Kangin was in.

Suddenly the door was opened and another man in his late 20s walked in with someone trailing behind him. He shook hands with Kangin who stood the closest to the door and finally introduced the man who walked behind him as Eeteuk, the leader of the newly formed group, Super Junior. Kangin’s heart stopped beating.

It was the angel

Eeteuk smiled his dimpled smile and shook Kangin’s hand. Kangin remembered that he couldn’t properly breathe. The angel’s hand was so soft like cotton. Kangin could smell strawberry shampoo from the angel’s hair as they stood close to each other. The other boys in the room crowded around Kangin and Eeteuk. Kangin didn’t even hear the noises as the other members introduced themselves to their leader. Eeteuk kept smiling as the members noisily introduced themselves to him. Kangin firmly gazed at the older man who was now in squashed between Hyukjae and Donghae, the hyper members of the group.

For Kangin, Eeteuk is his heartbeat

Almost a year after their debut, it was announced that a new member was gonna be added to the group. The members had been so nervous about it. They were afraid that the new member wouldn’t like them or worse was an arrogant brat. At that time, the members had playfully pointed Eeteuk as Umma and Kangin as Appa. At first, Kangin was angry. He was still young but he was already called Appa. Moreover, he didn’t want 10 boisterous boys as his son. Soon, the thought changed. If Eeteuk was their Umma and Kangin was their Appa that meant that Eeteuk was his. That thought alone made Kangin’s heart bubbled with happiness. He had always dreamt Eeteuk as his since the first time Kangin saw him.

Unlike the other members, Eeteuk was excited of the news. He was so happy that he would get another baby. The rumors said that the new member was born in 1988, making him the youngest in the group. Some people rumored that the new member had an incredible voice. That’s why he was chosen even without a long time of training like the other members.

Kangin remembered that after hearing the news, Eeteuk had approached him. He squealed in delight and hugged Kangin tight. Kangin couldn’t be happier than that. Kangin patted his back softly while Eeteuk mumbling something about how nice it was to have another baby added to the family. Eeteuk abruptly let go of Kangin. He wondered out loud what if the fans didn’t like the new member. A frown etched on Eeteuk’s face. Kangin caressed his frown softly and said that there was no way the fans wouldn’t like the new member. He was KangTeuk’s baby; of course the fans would like him. Eeteuk chuckled and buried his head again in Kangin’s embrace.

The next day, the new member was finally introduced to the group. His name was Kyuhyun. He was tall for his age. His face was innocent but stated that he’s very smart and mature. He had a wonderful deep voice and Kangin himself found that he admire this boy’s voice. Eeteuk just ran and hugged Kyuhyun, welcoming him to the family. The other members moved to welcome Kyuhyun as well. In this case, they also hugged him and even ruffled his hair. Kyuhyun’s face was red for embarassment.

Kangin remembered Eeteuk had dragged him to the boy and introduced themselves as Umma and Appa of the group. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened but soon he smiled and called Kangin Appa. Eeteuk squealed and hugged the boy once more, asking Kyuhyun to call him Umma as well. Kangin chuckled. He hoped for the moment to last. Just standing there seeing Eeteuk being surrounded by their children and smiling with happiness was enough for Kangin.

For Kangin, Eeteuk is his heartbeat

Kangin just finished his schedule for the night. He was packing his bag and ready to go home. Kangin couldn’t wait to see his angel. Kangin felt so fortunate because now that they had moved to a new dorm, he could share a room with Eeeteuk. There were nights when Kangin just lied awake in his bed, staring at his sleeping angel. These were the nights where he felt that his love for Eeteuk grew even stronger. Kangin smiled at the thought of his angel probably waited for him at the dorm, welcoming him with a smile. This was the thought that made Kangin felt all the work he did was worth it, to come home to his angel’s embrace.

Kangin’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He frowned as he saw the caller ID. Eunhyuk was calling him. Eunhyuk was supposed to have a radio show with Eeteuk, Shindong and the baby of the group, Kyuhyun. He picked up Eunhyuk’s call and nearly dropped his phone after hearing what Eunhyuk said. “Our van crashed. Umma and Kyuhyun are hurt”, that was what Eunhyuk said. Kangin remembered dazing to the hospital in the speed of light. His heart stopped beating at the thought of losing his angel forever.

Kangin waited for hours beside Eeteuk’s bed, hoping for him to wake up. Eeteuk’s face was bruised and the doctors said that there were shards of glass on his back. The doctors managed to remove all the glass from his back. It took so much to make Kangin cried but there he was, crying for Eeteuk to come back to him. “I love you. Please don’t leave me. My heart can hardly beat without you”, Kangin whispered over and over again.

After hours of agony, Eeteuk finally woke up. Kangin was already asleep beside him. Eeteuk reached out a hand to touch Kangin’s head. “Youngwoon”, Eeteuk called breathlessly. Kangin instanly woke up.


Eeteuk smiled softly. Kangin suddenly broke down into tears.

“I was so afraid. I thought you were gonna leave me,” Kangin choked down between his tears. Eeteuk patted Kangin’s head, his eyes were watery also.

“I love you too much. How can I leave you? How can I leave our babies?” Eeteuk said hoarsely but still smiled. Kangin froze. He couldn’t believe his hearing. ‘Did Eeteuk just say that he loves me?’ Kangin thought.

“Jungsu, are you...” Kangin trailed off. Eeteuk cupped Kangin’s face. “I have loved you since the first time I saw you. The moment I saw you in the office, I knew that I fell for you. I was so happy when the kids decided to make us the parents of the group. That just means that you’re mine, right?” Eeteuk chuckled at the end of his sentence. Kangin just gaped at Eeteuk. By that time, Eeteuk had shifted nervously in his bed. Eeteuk looked down at his pillow for a while before turning his attention towards Kangin who was still so quiet once more.

“Just forget what I said. I was just…” Eeteuk couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt a pair of lips pressed softly against his. Eeteuk felt his eyes closing and leaned to give Kangin more access. They pulled apart after what seemed like forever. Kangin put his forehead on Eeteuk’s and whispered, “I love you”. Eeteuk smiled his most beautiful smile and Kangin stared into those deep brown orbs.

This was definitely the happiest day of Kangin’s life. His angel was finally his.

For Kangin, Eeteuk is his heartbeat

It was their first victory after a year and a half hiatus. The members had been so busy with subgroup activities that it was almost impossible to get together and record their third album. The members who were active in China came back to participate in the recording of their new album. Kibum and Heechul also spent some time despite their hectic schedule. The members had been so satisfied with their new album. The album really showed the true colors of the group. Moreover, people gave a warm welcome for their comeback and had shown a superb enthusiasm towards their album.

Their hit song finally made it to number 1 in Music Chart. They were so happy that they cried. As the leader, Eeteuk stepped up to give his speech about the victory. He shouted Kibum’s name who wasn’t there because of his schedule. He choked down a little bit during his speech but managed to carry on till the end. The members were so ecstatic. They jumped around in the waiting room with Eeteuk laughed and cried at the sight. Kangin slipped his hands around Eeteuk’s waist from the back, savoring the strawberry scent from the leader’s soft hair. Eeteuk closed his eyes and leaned back into Kangin’s embrace.  “We did it,” Kangin had whispered and Eeteuk nodded. Kangin pecked Eeteuk’s cheek and the older smiled widely. Kangin felt like anything couldn’t go wrong as he watched Eeteuk being pulled from his embrace by Sungmin and Eunhyuk.

Kangin watched as Sungmin and Eunhyuk made Eeteuk danced with them. He chuckled at the sight. He felt so fortunate that he went to drink that fateful night with his friends because if he didn’t he wouldn’t see Eeteuk and fell for him. He felt lucky to be put in Super Junior, that way he could be with Eeteuk most of the time. He felt elated to have fallen for Eeteuk, to have become parents with him for crazy eleven boys. He was happy to have Eeteuk said that he loved him and that he loved Eeteuk too. He always felt fine even though until now sometimes his heart stopped beating everytime he saw Eeteuk. He felt thankful for every moment he spent with Eeteuk for now he knew one thing.

For Kangin, Eeteuk is his heartbeat

A/N: I think I kinda failed at the end
I don't know but comments are loved <3

super junior, kangteuk

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