(no subject)

Jun 03, 2009 00:48

Slightly related to Heartbeat

(A/N: I say slightly because this is just the continuation of what happens after Heartbeat but not closely related to Heartbeat)

It’s 2 o’clock in the morning and Eeteuk still can’t go to sleep. Eeteuk will wake up irritated if he doesn’t get enough sleep. Truth be told, Eeteuk is not a kind of person who has difficulties in sleeping but tonight is an exception. He has literally done everything to help him sleep (even counting the sheep) but all he gets is he’s more awake than before. In his left side, Donghae had already fallen asleep since he jumped onto the bed hours ago. Eeteuk is still tossing around in his bed and suddenly his mind wanders to a special person named Kangin (or whom Eeteuk prefers to call Youngwoon).

After confessing his love for the younger man two years ago after his accident, Eeteuk and Kangin have been in a special relationship. The members know it and they can’t be even happier to know that their parents finally end up together because they know how much they deserve one another. Eeteuk closes his eyes and smiles remembering their first kiss they shared in the hospital after he woke up from the accident. Eeteuk realized at that time, if he was so unlucky then he wouldn’t be here. He wouldn’t be able to tell Kangin how much he loves him.

The smile vanished as fast as it appeared. Eeteuk suddenly remembers his struggles after the accident. The stitches on his back had made him unable to dance and did other vigorous activities because it would only rip them open. The doctor had forbid him to return to his full schedules for almost a month thus he was often left behind in the dorm. He remembers, as cold shivers running down through his spine, his trauma of getting into a car for he’s scared that another accident would occur. He also doesn’t forget that every night he silently cried in his bed for what happened to the magnae, blaming himself for not being able to protect Kyuhyun.

A lone tear escapes and Eeteuk closes his mouth with his right hand to prevent himself from sobbing. But then he remembers, Kangin was there all along. When he sulked in the corner in the dance studio because he was still prohibited to dance, Kangin stopped his dance practice and sat with him, watching the other members continued practicing as hands intertwined and smiles tugged at the corner of their lips. When he was left behind in the dorm, Kangin came to the dorm in between breaks of his packed schedule. He came just to hug Eeteuk, kissed his lips softly and chatted with him for a bit before dashing off to attend another schedule. Eeteuk could smile all day long; feeling that even a couple of minutes with Kangin were enough for him because he knew at the end of the day, Kangin would always come back to him.

When he got into their vans with pale face and cold sweats, Kangin sat beside him and put Eeteuk’s head on his shoulder while he wrapped an arm around Eeteuk’s small frame. Kangin hummed under his breath into Eeteuk’s ear to ease his fear. Eeteuk would close his eyes and smile, feeling protected in Kangin’s embrace. When he silently cried at night in his bed, Kangin came to his bedroom and lied beside him. Eeteuk would shifted in his position so his face was buried in Kangin’s warm chest and let his guard down, feeling sad and relieve at the same time. Sad because he wasn’t able to do anything and relieve because there was someone with him to share his guilt.

Eeteuk wipes away his tear and heaves a sigh. The clock on the wall shows that it’s 3.30 in the morning and he still can’t sleep. He hears the sound of the dorm door closing and footsteps in the hallway. His bedroom door is suddenly opened from outside and he can feel someone comes inside the room even though it’s dark. A ray of light shines from outside and casts a shadow on the figure that is slowly approaching his bed. He doesn’t need to open his eyes to know who it is.

Slowly, he feels another body slips into his blanket and lies beside him. “Jungsu”, this person whispers and Eeteuk turns his body to him and finally opens his eyes. Kangin stares at him affectionately and smiles. Eeteuk can’t help but smiles as well as he sees Kangin’s adorable raccoon face. Kangin leans forward and captures Eeteuk lips in a loving kiss. The kiss is sweet and calming. And Eeteuk can feel the first sign of sleepiness comes to him. He yawns and Kangin chuckles softly. “Sleep”, he says and Eeteuk smiles. Kangin pulls Eeteuk’s body closer and Eeteuk can feel a sense of warmth envelops him. “I love you, Youngwoon”, Eeteuk says before he closes his eyes and sleeps. “I love you too, Jungsu”, Kangin whispers back and goes to sleep as well.

And even in his sleep, Eeteuk smiles.

A/N: I’m not really satisfied with the ending but anyway, comments are loved <33

super junior, kangteuk

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