I'd like to take a moment to respond to St. Augustine's comments in the election. The CM of St. Aug wrote:
"We are very concerned about the perceived Brujah Hegemony within the Org. We also feel Dale dropped the Ball at the last Conclave. Although the Coordinator was there, the Brujah Justicar was the only sitting Justicar not in attendance. We also are concerned about the direction of the Brujah Clan and it's Justicar."
First, any perceived Brujah hegemony is the actions of the players. This game is about the players, and I don't feel that it's my job to railroad Brujah from becoming prominent just because it's not White Wolf Canon. This is the direction the Org has taken. This also ties into the "direction of the Brujah Clan." I'm all about nudging the clan, but by and large I let the players steer their own ship. The one time I've actively worked against the clan with NPCs (the recent enmity vote towards Lucinde and Petronius), I did so because it was asked of me by the other Coordinators.
Second, the Brujah Justicar was not at the Conclave because, when it was originally discussed, there were supposed to only be three presiding Justicars. Since Pascek was not presiding, I decided not to bring him to the event. Why would the Brujah Justicar show up to a conclave that he was not presiding at, and be content to mingle with the "commoners" while the Ventrue ran the show? I'm also the type of person who doesn't want to inundate an event game with unnecessary Justicars. I informed the other Coords and the ST staff of the event that Pascek wouldn't be showing up, and the players of my PC Archons and subcoords all planned around that. A few weeks prior the event it was decided that even though there were only three presiding Justicars, all five would sit at the main table. It was already too late for my players and subcoords to change plans given time needed to request vacation and outrageous airline costs. So, I decided to have an Archon show up as "official" representative, plus the PC agent commissar, who had 50+ loaned status, to speak on Pascek's behalf. I could have portrayed Pascek personally, but I prefer to have one of my subcoords potray him, and I still didn't feel like he had a reason to show up personally beyond "well, everyone else is, I might as well."