Kickstart Panverse Publishing

Jul 07, 2010 17:22

So to follow on to my post about Eight Against Reality, and Panverse Publishing...

Panverse is a tiny press that in less than a year, has brought out two anthologies. It has two others in the works. The first book out, Panverse One, got  strong reviews.

So far, it's been entirely self-financed. Now Dario Ciriello, the publisher, wants to take it to the next level. He's started a funding drive on Kickstarter, aiming to raise $12 thousand by August 19th. This will allow him to scale up Panverse, make it a more important factor in the Spec Fic market.

From Dario: "I feel passionately about the value of this literature, and I want to see it find its core values again. I want to help stories into print that will affect a generation of readers in the way that War of The Worlds, Animal Farm, Neuromancer, and The Chronicles of Amber did. To do that, our titles need larger print runs and wider distribution; I need a budget for quality web design, marketing, and promotional material; I need a presence at major conventions; I'd like to look at publishing novels as well as short fiction; and most of all, I want to be able to compensate our authors and artists far better than I'm currently able to."

So if this is a mission that appeals to you - support a truly independent small press by clicking here to go to Kickstarter, and donate whatever you can.  This may be the press of the future.

panverse publishing

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