Grossed out in my Contemporary Arts Lecture!!

Aug 22, 2005 21:06

There is something seriously wrong - and I mean WRONG! - with my Lecuturer. Today, in our common lecture (which is basically all us art students together in one huge Contemporary Arts Lecture, at least once a month), the teacher decides to show us something horrific filmed - as Art! - by an Artist. Some crazy guy filmed himself having HOOKS STUCK INTO HIMSELF!
Now, that wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the fact that these were gigantic hooks! Then he filmed himself being lifted into the air by a crane and swung around slowly in the air, his body hanging from the hooks. This was his performance piece. Right. To top it off, at the end it showed he was slipping out of the hooks... his skin tearing loose! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY??
The next film he perfromed in was cutting a guy open with a scapel, and filming while he was inserting a small sculpture, with a whole pile of puss, or goo coming out of the stomach and onto the camera!!!
I want to know what my lecturer saw in this guy, and in his art works. Just so frigen damn insane, stupid and bloody disgusting! URGH!

Apart from all that horror, I was reminded today that my Journal for Creative Strategies is due tomorrow around 1pm, when my lecutre starts. This means hauling in 'ideas' and making it look like I'm 'thinking' of what I am going to do for my Project. The silly thing about it is it can be absolutely anything - open to interpretation to the guidelines given to us. ARGH! Good thing it's only processing work. I bet no-one else has thought of anything either. I hate Creative Strategies and plan to drop it and take on something else next year. Hopefully they will have something cool, like Animation! But that will probably be covered in my favourite subject, Screen Arts.

By the way, I study Electronic Arts at UWS, University of Western Sydney, and my four subjects that I had to take for the first year are:
* Contemporary Arts: (which is usually really cool - when we have this great energetic old teacher in common lectures...) -  the study of.
* Creative Strategies: - a class that is supposed to help us learn to create ideas out of anything, so we can never get 'stuck'.
* Digital Music: (the lectures are pretty boring, and are shown on the website anyway, but the Tutorials (classes) are alright). - basically producing music with techology - computers. We learn about the artists and different inventions, and so on, in the lectures.
* Screen Arts: (my favourite!) - pretty much where we learn to create our art through visual methods on hte computer. First term was photoshop and web sites, the basic gist of it. This term though, we are dealing with VEGAS! We use digital video recorders, and edit the films on the computer. So cool!

Sigh... I need to hurry up and get myself a job this christmas. We have THREE months off, and during the long break I can work to afford my very own digital video camera! Then I'll get the many books of Diana Wynne Jones, and the Vegas program, and more books, lol! There are three awesome games that are coming out that I really want to get, being Kingdom Heart 2, Age of Empires 3, and Fable on the PC!! I personally hate X Boxes... PS2 is just so much more easier to handle, and the new one looks rad!

Well, I'll do the story in the next post, because I haven't figured out how to have it so it goes to another window. Perhaps it only does that with a paid account? And the same goes for having the first entry at the top, because it kind of spoils it having the beginning at the bottom! Not that all my stories continue on. There is one.. but I have to finish it. ^^;

grossed out

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