Weekly Recs 7/13/11

Jul 13, 2011 01:41

I'm getting fewer and fewer story alerts...I think we've officially hit the mid-summer fanfic doldrums. Can't wait for NCIS to start shooting again and give writers lots of lovely new spoilers for inspiration.

Completed Stories:
(Mostly newly-completed stories, plus some old ones if I haven't read them before.)

"Out with the Old..." by Aerial312 (aerial312)
[T, Tony/Ziva, set during season 8, fanfiction.net link, ~1,000 words]

Summary: Tony may miss the wild Old Ziva, but he find that he likes the more mature, open New Ziva even better.

"Scheherazade's Day Job" by Sequitur (sequitur_fic)
[K+, Tony, McGee, set between seasons 3 and 4, LiveJournal link, ~2,000 words]

Summary: "I think that any plan that turns on the fulcrum of Tony not annoying someone is probably a pretty flawed plan."

KEW note: An oldie that I'd never read before.

"Free Writing" by Kaitlin Todd
[K, McGee/Abby, ~325 words]

Quote: A blank piece of paper and a green pencil lay motionless on McGee's desk. He found a rubber band ball in his desk and bounced it up and down in his left hand, being the only disturbance to the still silence.

KEW note: Very sweet.

"Down the Valley of the Shadow" by dnachemlia
[T, ensemble, ~19,000 words]

Summary: The content of a mysterious package on Gibbs' desk sends the team on a desperate mission to find one of their own before time runs out.

KEW note: A great, suspenseful mystery-cum-casefic.

"The Craftsman" by Proseac (proseac1)
[K, Gibbs, set post 1x01 "Yankee White", fanfiction.net link, 100 words]

Quote: The chisel glides slowly along the rough timber. With each successive stroke, the graceful hull of a boat emerges.

KEW note: A great meditation on Kate joining the team.

Works in Progress:
(Stories in this section will be carried over week to week as long as I continue to follow them or until they are completed or abandoned. Recent updates will be noted.)

"Of Ghosts and Gremlins" by AlkalineTeegan (alkalineteegan) *NEW
[T, Tony, Jimmy, set between season 3 and 4]

Summary: A post-"Hiatus" exploration of how Tony and Jimmy might have become friends.

KEW note: Chapters 1-12 posted. It was the interaction between Tony and Jenny in the latest chapter that really got me hooked on this story.

"Gray Scale" by lennoxcontrary *NEW
[M, ensemble, AU from 7x24 "Rule 51"]

Summary: When the Reynosas come after Gibbs the team is forced into dark territory.

KEW note: Chapters 6-12 added. This story just keeps getting more intense and action-packed.

"Timing in Everything" by Sashile (sashile) *UPDATED
[PG-13, ensemble, established Tony/Ziva, sequel to "Fallen Angels"]

Summary: An aircraft carrier off Bahrain is attacked during a Family Weekend and training exercise with the Israeli navy. While Ziva investigates Israel's involvement, Gibbs and Abby are called to help DiNozzo figure out what happened.

KEW note: Chapters 29-31 added. I hope the action in this story picks up again soon.

ensemble, gibbs, tony/ziva, jimmy palmer, ncis, mcgee, recs, tony, weekly recs, mcgee/abby

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