Yesterday was amazing. So I didn't quite get that day of rest that I wanted... so what? The universe provides: turns out I have today off, too!
And for balance (or "roller coaster") purposes, the universe taketh away, too: turns out I have a lot of other days off, as well, because I just got fired!
As far as I can remember, this is the first job from which I've ever been fired before being paid. I guess it's time to go down to the temp agency and see if this time, when I ask if they know of any data entry jobs, they say "yes." This whole awkward situation is understandable, as my boss cannot afford to have more than one person manning the store at any one time, and I simply cannot think and/or move fast enough to run a retail store by myself during the Christmas rush. He must find and train a replacement in time for Black Friday and beyond. He sounded genuinely regretful-- at least, as genuine as one can sound over a cellular phone with only one "bar" of signal-- and stressed that I excelled in every area, except the crucial one, "speed." I suppose if I had a Performance Graph, it would look like this: