Aug 10, 2006 14:00
is driving me mad! I finally figured out why Sage vomits every time she eats. She eats not only her food, but Karma's too. I caught her doing it three times in a row. The first time I just yelled at her and she stopped, the second time I spritzed her with the water bottle, when I caught her again for the third time in a half hour, I hosed her. Perhaps I won't be cleaning up kitty puke tonight, but somehow I doubt it. I love the little furballs, but I see why Karma has always been the favorite, she just chills, and doesn't make a mess. And she's got great attitude. Sage just reminds me too much of a dog.
In other news, sleeping alone is now weird. Hung out down at the Globe last night, and found it desperately lacking. If it wasn't for Eyeball showing up, it would have been deadly dull. Perhaps I'll give DB a call later on and see if he wants to bum around after work. I'm going to give a call to an ad I heard on the radio, there's going to be a seminar out at Lakeland Airport about becoming a helicopter pilot at 7pm tonight. If there's any spaces left open I think I'm going to attend. It would be really interesting to be able to fly helicopters. If I can do that, I may grab that, even before I go after my fixed wing certifications. Okay, that's it for now, will update more later on.