lukas 9

Dec 14, 2004 08:05

13He replied, You give them something to eat. They answered, We have only five loaves of bread and two fishunless we go and buy food for all this crowd. 14(About five thousand men were there.) But he said to his disciples, Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each. 15The disciples did so, and everybody sat down. 16Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people. 17They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

Jesus invited them into the impossible. He asked them to do something that was beyond their resources, their income, their abilitiesthem something to eat. They had to acknowledge that they were at the end of themselves, that was a foolish thing to ask. The disciples didnt think about the multiplication factor, they didnt think about taking a couple of fish and loaves and feeding the multitudes. They didnt think about the x-factor.

So Jesus asked them to do what is a pretty big task gathering 5000 people into groups of 50. But it was something that they could do. It was very doable but no small task, think about the faith that took err..excuse me sir could you group with these people, yes, um there needs to be about 50 of youbecause we will be eating soonJesus is whipping something up in the kitchenI am sorry, we dont have any highchairs.

Looking at the hungry faces as they grouped the people, I am sure the disciples started sweating, nervous, but faithful to what the master asked them to do. Everyone sits down and Jesus prays and the baskets dont end. I mean there is enough, not just enough, more than enough. Everyone ate until they were filled, until their stomachs were stuffed. Then just how Jesus planned it, there were 12 basketfuls of broken pieces that were left overfor each disciple. Jesus had invited them into the impossible, demonstrated the x-factor, and they got to participate in one of the greatest miracles.

Questions for me:
What impossible thing is Jesus inviting me into? Beyond my resources, abilities, income?
The x-factor is when Jesus shows up for His Glory?
What are the asks I need to obey to experience the x-factor?

Jesus, what you are asking of me is beyond me. I can not do this on my own. I am at the end of me. Help me see the things I can do, the next step, and give me the strength to obey quickly. When you show up and show your power, let me not parade around like it was me, but let me deny myself, take up my cross, and hide behind the basket[full].
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