*Expressing my pissed off opinion even more...*

Mar 16, 2005 14:02

I just got done reading this piece of absolute crap. And let me tell you why it is utter crap.

For one, there are still a lot of people in this world that do not trust the internet at all. Taking away control of their operating systems and giving it to a company like google is just stupid. Completely and utterly stupid.

Think about this: instead of being able to ummm *cough cough, bullshit cough, cough* buy my software legally in a store *cough cough you've never purchased a copy of Windows in your life you son of a bitch cough cough* I'd have to buy it online, and possibly pay a monthly subscription service. And of course, this would just kill the whole independent functionality of the internet and computers. You'd be going from one extreme, Microsoft Windows to another Google Web Apps. And both of them would inevitably suck.

When you start basing your business model after a Microsoft "We run the world so let's do whatever the hell we want to" idea, then you have problems. You're ideas become too bloated, your goals too lofty. And when you don't succeed, people call you a failure. Microsoft hasn't failed though. They've not delivered on a lot of their promises to the world (especially Bill Gates. He told me in 1995 after the innovation of the internet and ... I'll finish this in a minute.

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