
Oct 27, 2007 11:53

You know, they don't have hiking in Australia.  None at all. They just go walking.  In the bush.  Therefore, they call it bushwalking. 
Neat, huh?
I went bushwalking today.  Not sure it was a good idea.  It was a long hike, and while not hot per se, it was warm and very humid.  I ended up drenched and tired. 
I'm thinking tonight is a good night to watch a clint eastwood movie and have a root beer float or two (if they have root beer.  Haven't seen it.  Would a ginger beer float work? I guess I'll find out.)

I guess I'm getting used to working on the boat now.  Still long days, still make me tired and I fall asleep 8:30-9:00, but not as bad. 
I have dreams that I'm on the boat...
And when I close my eyes, I'm rocking (as if I were on the boat). 
I was going to go fishing tommorrow, not sure if I am.

Oh! I went dancing on thursday night.  Drank to much and had a hell of a hangover on friday, but nothing I can do about that now.  It was the birthday of one of the girls from america here, so we went out to go drink and dance. 
Turns out that where we went was the hook up place in Cairns. 
Should I feel pathetic that I didn't hook up at the hook up place?
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