Jan 08, 2009 10:55
Oh em gee, I didn't update my blog yesterday nor have I had time to check my friends-list on LiveJournal. People must be freaking out and peeing their pants all over the place! But fret not, dear readers. Though I don't have with this entry anything resembling the interesting the stuff I've posted about over the past week, I have some things that should at the very least whet your appetites for...whatever the Hell it is on this blog that you're actually willing to swallow and digest.
It's been a busy but very good week. There's been some good developments on numerous fronts, and I've written a few short stories that I'm actually comfortable enough with to eventually edit and put out there for others to read. Not in any wide scope, but at the very least a few trusted confidants. Considering how stingy I am with what I write (blogs don't count!), that's a huge step.
I'm also considering auditioning for a play tonight, regarded I have the time to prepare for and actually make the audition itself. Thankfully, if I don't make this one there's another in a few weeks that I'm also increasingly interested in doing (and it's Shakespeare!).
This weekend I have tenative plans to see both "Gran Torino" and "The Wrestler," so keep an eye out for reviews of one or both by early next week. And no, I haven't forgotten about "Five Stars." The next installment is quite literally written, and I have no idea why I haven't posted it yet, except maybe it's not knowing when I'll have the inclination to write one after that. Tell you what - I'll post the next installment sometime this weekend, and then one more final installment that'll be incomplete, but at least have a few movies extrapolated upon. Deal? Deal.
These were shipped yesterday, but I didn't have time to get down there. To be honest, I probably won't until Saturday, and I'll read them maybe MAYBE by the time next week's comics arrive.
Faces of Evil - Solomon Grundy
Haunted Tank #2
Marvel Zombies 3 #4
No Hero #3
Secret Invasion: War of Kings #1
Secret Six Ongoing #5
"Secret Invasion: War of Kings" is actually just a one-shot leading into the actual "War of Kings" mini-series itself, to clear up any confusion. It's a pretty light week in terms of quantity and substance, but that's what I like. We have books written by folks who just plain now how to write a fun story - Fred Van Lente and Gail Simone to name a couple.
Oh, and the first issue of "Haunted Tank" was off the fucking chain and the best single issue of a comic book I've read in years. No exaggeration.
I brought an apple to work with me as I do every day, and I don't know if I want to eat it now or save it for later on this afternoon. I think it'd hit a spot now, but I also think I should probably take an early lunch today considering the expected flow of traffic and projects going on this afternoon.
Among the decisions I've already had to make today and the ones I'll have to make later, the goddamn apple ranks pretty low. I'm not even sure why I'm writing about it. So...yeah, let's stop.