Con Report: Furcon 2013

Jan 20, 2014 13:46

Hoo! What a time... Think I remember everything...

Ok, first off, my rooming plans fell through. This meant I had to scramble for a place to stay at con, especially since my membership was already paid. Found some floor space, and hoped that my new roomies were not going to be sketchy... Speaking of sketchy, it should be noted that there was HempCon about half a block away from our space. I was really worried as to just how badly this would overlap...

Thursday: Had work that night, so I'm off at 10-ish, on the train and away. Ride was uneventful, and quiet enough for napping, which was good as I was short my usual morning nap. Arrived at the con, in time to find out that the roomies were off in San Francisco, having fun. I therefore checked my bag, and poddled around until they showed up, around nine-thirt. Met four of the five other folks in the room. The main person whose room it was was a petite trans FTM, and I knew she had some trust/control issues, so I tried carefully not to offend. The other 'last minute floor space' guy, not so much. More on him later. In any case, folks were met and chatted with, and fun was had wandering about. It was decided that shopping was needed, so we poddled on over to Safeway. On the way, I reacquainted myself with my love for Pita Pit, using a year-old coupon (no expiry date!). They not only gave me my free combo meal, but the 10% FurCon discount! Woo! At store, *insisted* that if they were to be purchasing condiments and cheese, *I* would see to it that we would have better than yellow mustard and american. Fancy brown dijon mustard and Tillamook sharp! Unwashed heathens had never before had any other sort of mustard? Sadly, I've only got floor space. Still, better than nothing.

Friday: The Hilton (where I was staying) had a water issue, with nobody in the entire hotel having any water at all. Still, went well enough. Yay! Con! Lots of fun! Loads of fun had. Got my annual supply of Absinthe-scented soap (realy quite lovely, I only wear it for special occasions), and that was tragically about the only real spending-money I had. Still, lots of nifty things this year, though a sizable amount of it was this I had seen before on previous trips. Still, great fun. Lots of new suits, of course, and loads of energy and excitement. Watched Uncle Kage's Story Hour - mostly old material, but still always entertaining.
Party floor was good, and I brought the Klingons four liters of YuJ'a. I had competition, though. Watcher had brought 'Praxis', which was his 'take' on Mexican Chocolate... Vodka, Gin, Cocoa Powder, Condensed Milk... and spices you'd be afraid to put in chili. CRAP was it hot! It sold well, by virtue of both being the most boozy thing on the menu and people daring their friends to drink it. "Did someone tell you to order this? Well, they are not your friend". I was presented with a fine Klingon shirt, in recognition of my years of providing them with boozings. Poddled back to room, passed out.

Saturday: Apparently, while sleeping on the floor is a pain (literally), and difficult, I sleep the sleep of the dead, as I never heard the new roommate come in during the night. However, I awoke to THE PAIN! I managed to do something to piss off my foot. I think wearing my SkeleToes shoes was a mistake, as they are slightly too small for my feet. Combined with walking lots, it was agony. I managed to wring a precious few dollars out of my wallet for some Tylenol at the front desk (blatant higway robbery at $5.99). Limping and cursing about the con, I was able to cope by virtue of lots of rest stops and the like. Would have enjoyed a cane. Took it easy. The Maquerade was good, but I ducked out to go off to the party floor again. MUCH more raucous, of course. Still, the Klingons acknowledged my 'place' lurking at the corner of the bar, so all was good. Watcher was bribing people with a Psycho Donuts 'pizza' of various flavors. Very nom.
During party, I had to bail - there was drama afoot. One of the roomies had basically been skeeving out the others (particularly the room owner), and then they found out he was on probation for molesting his little sister. I managed some limping back to my room before the confrontation (which happened at about one in the morning). He was summarily kicked from the room, though understandably upset. I did feel a bit sorry for him, having it happen that suddenly and badly, but... yeah.

Sunday: . In any case, Sunday was laid back, and foot much better. Enjoyed Uncle Kage ranting about pseudoscientific bullcrap. Dessert Social had tasty little pie-bits, and a peanut-butter shotglass mousse I rather liked. The Variety Show was excellent, and I enjoyed my Sponsor privilage in being able to be let in first. Many giggles. Still, this was the wind-down night, and after the show, everyone was left feeling just a bit sad... Was too drained to really do much more, and so headed bedwards. Floorwards. Whatevs.

Monday: Lots of packing up and cleaning. No WAY are we gonna win the 'clean room' contest, due to suit-fluff everywhere. Still, we did well enough. Said my goodbyes to roomies. Flumped off into the lobby, relaxed a bit, then felt the pull of reality. I whimpered 'I don't want to go!' at the doorway, then sighed and limped my way to the light rail. Ride home uneventful.
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