This morning I was up early so I could take in both World Cup matches, with the tape-delayed European Grand Prix coverage in between them. Then I fell back into bed for what turned out to be a three-hour nap before finally getting out of the house for a walk around Quarry Lakes. I've not been exercising nearly enough lately.
When I got back from my walk, I called Lisa and we discussed final preparations for the Tonopah bid and the rest of our trip to Westercon. Last night and today, I polished off a PowerPoint slide show of pictures from the hotel and surrounding areas. (Thanks to
yourbob for some additional photos I used in the show.) If all goes well, we should have this set up as a continuous loop on a computer at our table. If the hotel room's TV can handle it (like those at San Mateo did a few years back), we'll put it up during the bid party on Thursday night.
I still am behind on my packing. On the bright side, some of the things I have I'll be handing over to others to take to Pasadena at BASFA tomorrow night. Thank goodness I did lots of stuff earlier last week or I'd be overwhelmed rather than simply busy.