I will not be attending this year's World Fantasy Convention in Calgary after all, for reasons detailed
here. Yes, I could go on my own, but without Cheryl, my heart really isn't in it. (And that's besides the financial aspects; while it's a shame to lose the sunk cost of the membership and airline ticket, there's still the other costs I'll avoid.)
This situation makes me furious at my own country's government and the way they have set up a border "protection" system that keeps out productive, law-abiding, good people who have been trying to follow the rules for reasons as arbitrary as "the person at the desk was having a bad day and decided he didn't like your looks, and there's nothing you can do about it." It's yet another step down a very slippery slope leading from rule-of-law to rule-of-man, and I don't like it one bit.
I'd write to my congressman, but I don't know what good it would do.