On account of having used so much of my PTO for the Worldcon trip and needing to let it accumulate back up for Westercon and Worldcon next year and maybe a few other trips, we are not going to Loscon this year, so we'll miss the big Loscon 50 celebration. Neither Lisa nor I travel to family gatherings the way we did when we were younger, so once again we had Thanksgiving at home. Some of you who have followed me for as long time will recognize our little Thanksgiving Day feast. As usual, Kuma Bear was impatiently waiting for me to finish taking pictures so we could start our meal.
Neither Lisa nor I are big on turkey, but instead of a duck like we have done for several years, Lisa cooked a ham, which we both like. With it she served scratch-made biscuits, corn, and rice pilaf with mushrooms. It was as substantial meal for us. Only about a quarter of the ham is on the plate here, so we'll have leftovers for days. That's fine with us.
We forgot to get some sparkling apple-grape or similar juice, so Lisa had some Sprite and I had the last of a bottle of blueberry juice we got on our last Reno shopping expedition
Not pictured was a pumpkin pie, which we had a few hours later after getting out for a walk in the clear-but-cold sunshine and then clearing the table and playing a game of Empire Builder. I bought my copy from Darwin Bromley, the designer of the game, many years ago. We definitely have gotten our money's worth, as we've now played it 157 times, with me leading our series by a single game.
We have a lot to be thankful for. We have a home that we own, and we are decently secure in it. So we're trying to be happy with things the way they are now, even though it does look like the next few years may be much more uncertain.
Tomorrow is not a direct holiday at my Day Jobbe, and I'm saving my floating holiday to use next weekend as part of my trip to SMOFCon, so I'll be working tomorrow. But more about that tomorrow, but it's likely to be behind a friends lock on DW for reasons that will be clear then.