On Saturday, Westercon 76 (July 4-7, 2024, Salt Lake City Airport Doubletree Hotel) opened room booking for the convention. Rooms are $155 + 13.8% tax single through quad occupancy. Parking is free and is a parking lot (i.e. no height restrictions), and there is a shuttle from SLC airport.
Now as it happens, I was pestering Westercon about their hotel information because people were contacting me, assuming that I know everything there is to know about Westercons. Consequently, I had the room booking information a couple of days early, but was waiting for Utah to publish the information before I announced anything on Westercon.org. Unfortunately the room booking link currently on the Westercon 76 website is broken. But I put the correct code in the
article on the Westercon website announcing room booking and I also gave the special rates/group code WET and instructions on how to get to the rate "manually" by just going through the ordinary Hilton booking.
I let Westercon 76 know about the error in the booking code on their site, so by the time you read this, they may have corrected it. [Update, April 24, 21:45: They have fixed the code.] This sort of thing does happen a lot. I know we didn't get everything right with Westercon 74 the first time.
So Westercon 76 does indeed seem to be happening; it just took a little longer than usual. I've made my room booking. Lisa and I arrive Wednesday night and will leave on Sunday afternoon. I'd prefer to stick around for the post-con gatherings, but I've had to cut our stay back by a day in order to save a day of time off for our Worldcon trip. We used a lot more PTO than I wanted during the NASFiC trip last year due to the minivan issues, and that leaves me short of days at the moment.
Meanwhile, Lisa and I were very busy today, but I'll write more about that tomorrow.