cWe had a really nice slot for doing Match Game SF at Loscon this year. Because of the way the evening schedule worked, we had three hours to set up before our 8:00 PM Saturday night showtime, and (after Programming moved the item immediately after us a couple of rooms over, which does not seem to have been a problem; we had a sign on the door pointing people to the other room) unlimited time after the show to pack up. This meant that Lisa did not have to rush either setting up or packing things away.
I did not "count the house" but we had a decent turnout. During our 90-minute show, we played four games. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. There were lots of laughs, and some pretty sharp players and panelists, so we gave away some nice prizes including a gift certificate to Cargo Cult Books, and a membership to Westercon 76 Utah.
Lisa was able to set up the video recorder, and she recorded the final game of the evening. If you've ever wondered what the show is like, here's a chance to have a look at it. I'm posting this while the video is still processing in YouTube, so if you get a check-back-later message, it means you're reading this within the first hour after it finished uploading. Do come back later and take a look.
Click to view
We were very tired when we got the set packed up, the room restored more or less to its original state, and headed back to our hotel room, but we were also very happy. That was one of our better shows, and it proved to ourselves how good our show can be if we're allowed time to set it up rather than be rushed into it like what has sometimes happened.