27th Wedding Anniversary Lunch

Oct 13, 2023 16:10

Today was Lisa and my 27th wedding anniversary. As we've done for the past couple of years, we celebrated with a picnic lunch at Fort Churchill State Park south of Silver Springs, Nevada. (No relation to Churchill, Manitoba, or the Fort Churchill that was there in World War II, of course.) If you've followed me for a while, there will be nothing new in this story.

Once I got off work, we drove down to Fort Churchill. It was cool but not cold, with no wind, which is good. I thought it was pleasant. We went to the Fremont picnic area and Lisa cleaned off one of the tables for us.

When Lisa served up the smoked salmon, Kuma Bear said, "This is goods for Bears, buts whats wills yous eats?"

Kuma got to keep a little bit of salmon for himself, but Lisa and I split most of it, along with the deviled eggs and toasted mushroom and cheese sandwiches.

After lunch, we walked up to the runs of the old fort and walked the Ruins Trail.

The trail that loops around the former fort is about 1 km long. The large expanse of what is now sagebrush was the parade ground. Fort Churchill wasn't the best posting one could have in the 1860s, but it was not the worst, either.

We did not go down to the Carson River during this visit, as there were too many other people on those trails. After an hour or so hiking around the ruins of the old fort and looking at the desert wildflowers and a few lizards, plus hearing quail calling in the distance, we headed on home. It was a pleasant afternoon. A sort of calm before the storm that starts for me tomorrow evening when Lisa takes me the Reno airport for the first leg of the trip to Worldcon.

fort churchill, kuma bear, lisa

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