Lisa and I are now effectively immune from any further political advertising for this season.
We put our postal ballots in the mail this afternoon.
I'm glad I did some research on the down-ballot races, as one of the candidates for the school board had a platform that amounted to being science-denying and anti-trans, not to mention demanding that history not have that "woke" stuff ("no CRT in our schools!"). It's ironic given Nevada's history as a state that I'm sure he'd endorse staying that slaves were better off and happier under white ownership. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if he opposes votes for women, non-whites, and people who don't own land. Unless he opposes elections of any sort unless His Guy wins. His website had all of the keywords to tell me that he actively was not courting my vote. Sadly, I suspect that in this deep-red part of Nevada that he stands a good chance of winning. I can only hope that the state as a whole holds the Democratic US Senate seat and the state legislature, and that we don't end up electing a Secretary of State who apparently thinks it's his God-ordained duty to throw out all ballots except those that vote for the Great and Glorious Orange Leader.
After mailing our ballots, we went on an excursion about which I will write tomorrow. If you have followed me for at least a year, you may be able to guess what it was by checking out my posts from a year ago.