Lisa did more collation and stapling last night after I went to bed, and she worked on it during the day while I dealt with printing other things, most significantly the Program Grid, which is the separate handout with the dates/times/locations of all of the program items. I had lots of other design and printing things to deal with, along with updating the Westercon 74 website with the latest program update and the final pre-convention membership list and count. (Pre-registration closed last night.) When I could, I helped Lisa with the collation, but she did most of it.
This evening, we finally finished it.
Here is Lisa stapling the last of 300 program books we're taking to Tonopah.
And here are the boxes of Program Books and many other things we're preparing to take to Tonopah. Including the table, which we expect to take with us as well.
We have more than 300 members, but at the moment, I'll be surprised if we have 300 or more warm bodies in attendance. If we should happen to exceed 300, we can print more PBs on site (not a huge number, but some). I plan to print enough PBs post-convention to handle no-shows and supporting members.
U-Haul called today to tell us that the trailer we hoped to pick up in Fernley would not be available, and we'd have to go to either Fallon or Reno to collect it. As we need to go to Reno for yet another and this time I hope final bit of shopping, we picked Reno. We will therefore go get the trailer from the U-Haul store that is near the Atlantis Hotel. Anyone who was at the Reno Worldcon would have gone past it anytime they had to go between the Atlantis and the Peppermill.
I also confirmed that while they don't like you disconnecting their trailers, they don't put a lock on them to prevent you from doing so.
It was a long day today and will be another long one tomorrow, for when we get home from Reno, we have to start loading the trailer and get as much done as we can before we leave for Tonopah on Tuesday.