PR Mailing Soon

Oct 20, 2021 15:49

Lisa and I went to Reno yesterday to print a "mini PR" (the single-page/double-folded PRs we've used for PRs 1 and 2) for Westercon 74's members who have requested paper copies or do not have an email address registered with us. Last night, Lisa folded the PRs, put them in envelopes, and applied return-address stickers. I went and got stamps today, and we have the mailing labels for the 40-50 members in question. I expect the PR to go out in tomorrow's paper mail, and we'll send an email announcement to all of our members soon thereafter.

This PR carries the news of Westercon 74 having selected guests of honor, so it's not quite as time-critical as some of the things we've announced. Consequently, we're not working as carefully as we have in some cases to coordinate paper mailings and email announcements to members. That won't always be the case with some more time-sensitive things. It's not always possible to ensure that paper mail and email announcements arrive at the same time, of course, but for issues where time is of the essence, I prefer to try and mail paper PRs at least two or three days before we do an email blast.

tonopah, westercon

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