Sign Walking

Mar 28, 2021 18:41

I spent much of today setting up Westercon 74's "booth" (virtual fan table) at Norwescon 43, which starts next Thursday afternoon.
lindadee and I are hosting the booth at the virtual convention, and we got together at the booth this afternoon to make sure we had the settings right and that features such as screen sharing (useful for being able to show off pictures of Tonopah, maps of the convention center, etc.) worked. Assuming anyone comes to our table, we should be all set. Norwescon is using Airmeet, a system I've not used before, and the booths are quite elaborate. I'll say more about this later after I see how it works out. I have next Friday off, but Linda will have to "hold the fort" on Thursday afternoon until I can get free from Day Jobbe. It shouldn't be that hard.

The weather has turned warm again, which is good because we're nearly out of firewood. The box by the front door is full, but I think it can be refilled not more than about 1 1/2 more times. We would have gone to Big R and bought more, but they are unfortunately out, and they don't know when another shipment is due. I'll have to keep checking, because I'd rather not run out, and if we fill up the main box now, then we should be in good shape next autumn when the weather turns cold again.

Today was the first day we could take a walk after dinner without jackets this year. As we walked by the fire department on the way to the post office to collect Saturday's mail, I snapped a photo of what I consider a somewhat difficult to obey sign.

It was easy enough for us to follow this while walking, though.

Finally, just to get out of the house a bit more, we did a short drive down to Hazen and back, enlivened by a train coming through Fernley as we left, which we paced down to Hazen, where we reversed at the large tie-recovery yard there and drove home. Such excitement in our lives!

fire, sign, wood, norwescon, westercon

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