I'm in Chicago. I've just recently finished the second day of orientation week. Yesterday was a mostly godawful boring orientation. Today was a more fun class on fundamentals of the legal system. There was also a brief lecture on International Law that I only caught the end of (it was optional) and one on Advocacy (which I attended and it was neat). Then there was a lecture on fiscal responsibility and how to not end up in debt up to our eyes at the end of school.
The speaker said that a tube of toothpaste, at prime interest rate over 30 years, would end up costing about $1800. I'm not sure her math was right, because that'd mean that this year's loans will come to about $48,000,000. But even if she's right, I resisted the urge to point out that the tube of toothpaste in her example is almost exactly the same cost as a ride on the L, and why is Loyola not giving us our CTA U-Passes for free bus and L rides until next week? Do they really want me to be $18,000 in debt just to get to and from class this one week?
Also, I'm welcoming a new person to my friends list.
girlsfly is in my section in law school and she's super-cool to boot.