Sep 10, 2010 16:56

there has been much good today, but also so much bullshit that i'm beyond wanting to scream. sprog-free birthday? haha whatthefuckever.

my blood sugar's low so i'm about ready to slit my wrists. it's friday -- the day before groceries -- so there's very little easy food in the house. i've already eaten about 5 pb sandwiches. no more oj.

spent the afternoon waiting for a phone call so we haven't left the house today -- the only sunny day this week. at least N is getting home early from work today -- at my request. the plan is to hit the veg food fair, but i don't know what's actually going to happen. i just want some alone time with him. the 20 minutes between the kids falling asleep and his needing to go to bed doesn't count and isn't enough. he's been sleeping in the living room and i miss him terribly.

the baby hasn't slept for more than 60 minutes today, when he usually sleeps for 3-5 or more hours. he's had a growth spurt and has nearly outgrown the 3-6 month clothes WE JUST BOUGHT HIM. he's already wearing size 6-12 month socks. he's not even 3.5 months old!

oh, and that awesome sweater I knitted last year? he's already outgrown it. I tried it on him today and it's waaaaay too small. :(

there's so much more, but blah. just blah.

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bad things, birthday

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