I'm very impressed with this website:
http://www.colorcharts.org/ccorg/default.aspx If you end up with an old paint can, the colour paint of which you can't remember and it's so old that all the pigments have separated again, but the label is still intact, complete with a creative and mostly useless paint name and a very useful paint code, this site is super helpful!
I discovered it yesterday morning and used it to figure out what colours of paint we had. "Autumn Haze" and "Stowe White" are not super helpful names, particularly when I was expecting something in a green tone. And the "sample" of paint on the outside looked like it was the base-white coat. Also not helpful. The paint is two years old, so looking inside would have been useless to identify what the shade was supposed to be -- seeing swirls of black, yellow and red really aren't so helpful. But the label was intact with the paint code and the paint recipe. Perfect!
plumjudy took home "Stowe White", so we have 1 gallon of "Autumn Haze" low-VOC CIL brand paint in eggshell. I like the colour. I don't mind keeping it around if no one else ends up wanting it.