pagan ruminations

Jan 28, 2010 13:02

shbe got me thinking...

The world could really use some badass farmers these days, what with Monsanto fucking over, oh, THE SANCTITY OF LIFE ITSELF, with their organ-killing GMO, round-up ready monstrosities. Along with all the other woes of industrial agriculture.

I hope to see the Bloor Cinema showing of DIRT! tonight (6:30-8:30 $10-$20, sliding scale). According to the write-up,
The opening scenes of the film dive into the wonderment of the soil. Made from the same elements as the stars, plants and animals, and us, "dirt is very much alive." Though, in modern industrial pursuits and clamor for both profit and natural resources, our human connection to and respect for soil has been disrupted. "Drought, climate change, even war are all directly related to the way we are treating dirt."

I think Thorsday is an excellent day for a documentary on DIRT! A lesser known aspect of Thor is his governance over agriculture. He rocks a battle, for sure, but so few people know or even care about the farming aspect.

And yet, I'm thinking Thor would be an excellent patron deity for modern, sustainable agricultural practices. There's a lot of fighting-the-system that has to occur because there is so little respect out there for the very things that sustains our bodies.

Popularized by the uninitiated (and the long-running Marvel Comics? comic book by the same name), the Thunderer is often mistaken for a god of battle or war. While Thor is THE foremost warrior of all (although the other deities, Odin, Tyr, Uller, Heimdall, especially, are no slouches as warriors either, and neither is Freyja) Thor is a God who is called on for protection, health, agriculture (Thor brings the storms, which bring rain, which is essential for crops) and justice. Justice should not be confused with law, or the letter of it. In other words, Thor is concerned with fairness, moral right versus moral wrong, while Tyr is concerned with the absolutes. If you want protection from getting the shaft in dealing with another, call on Thor - if you want to win a court case, call on Tyr (and you’d better be right, or calling on him won’t help).

Yeah, Thor is the PERFECT diety to assist with the battle against industrial agriculture. Go see DIRT! and thank goodness for Thorsday.

movies that make you think, gardening, spirituality

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