computer woes

Jun 06, 2009 09:46

huh. Beam Echo closed three days ago. That blows.

Was excited yesterday about FINALLY getting a laptop when the guy called and said he was selling it to his neighbour (instead of driving out from Scarberia to sell it to me like he said he was going to). Ugh.

Am now looking at potentially getting a powerbook (yay! someone wrote me back and their laptop is STILL AVAILABLE!) The only issue is that it's $600 but the hard drive isn't any bigger than my current one. That's why I was looking at Beam Echo so I could get a feel for how much a new, bigger hard drive would cost.

Have put a couple of inquiries out this morning -- I'd rather pay another $150 to get a larger harddrive, more RAM and nifty software (probably illegal, but whatever), than pay less for, well, less. But whatever. I just really want a newer, better laptop so I can move on with stuff.

Off to do more research...

Added: Called ClickonMacs and I can get a 160G HD for about $220 including labour. So much better than $150 for another 20G. So I emailed the woman who got back with me and hopefully I'll have a new-to-me laptop sometime tomorrow. Wish me luck?


Also, this week has been incredibly sucktastic for me. I really hope things get better from here on out.

Today = picnic in High Park and Outdoor Photo Session (and market, of course).

computer issues

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