pregnancy preparations for the year to come

Aug 27, 2005 05:37

Had a good evening with L and N, eating dinner, working around wonky wiring and fuse issues, watching Kingdom Hospital, and eventually discussing baby and pregnancy concerns of mine. We now have a good plan which involves moving (hopefully) in May/June when lots of apartments become available. We want a 3-bedroom place and I need a shower/bath combo that is fully functional, unlike the lack of bath Lynxie and I have and the huge bath that Nikos can't fill due to lack of water pressure. And room for a king-size bed, preferably in one of the bedrooms (as opposed to in the middle of the living room, which I have done before).

We discussed lots of other things, but if I wrote them all down here, I would be opening myself to a boatload of commentary and advice, which I will get in spades when I am actually pregnant. Suffice it to say, I have eased a few of their worries and they have eased a few of mine, so all is good. And if we can afford to move in May/June, then everything else should fall into place quite nicely.

Lynxie is looking at baby names as I type.

When I am able to work, I will look into yoga classes and places to swim. We can't even really afford to go to the Y right now, so the only exercise I get is walking, and soon (when the bike comes back from the shop), cycling. I have rollerblades, but there is the fear to contend with. I am happier on a bike.

I've already done most of the work I need to do with regard to my diet. I think my worst offense is not getting enough water; second offense is not getting enough vegetables. My diet mostly consists of protein (meat, eggs, fish), fat (dairy), and fruit. Since beginning this hypo diet at the end of March, I have added huge amounts of protein and fat and decreased nearly all refined carbohydrates, and I have only gained 3 pounds, holding steady at 123.

I'm already on prenatal vitamins, and damn are my nails strong! I don't smoke; I no longer drink; and my illicit drug use is minimal and non-habit-forming. I've never had oddities with my cycle, like wonky timing or unusually heavy or painful periods, so all clear there. So really, unless I'm missing something, all I need to do is establish and stick to an exercise routine beyond walking Kiska, get better eating habits, and mentally/emotionally/spiritually continue to prepare for pregnancy in about a year or so. Good, good.


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