Jun 28, 2005 16:31
Partake. The word is partake! Imbibe is reserved for drinking -- nothing else. It comes from the Latin bibo, bibere, meaning to drink. Augh!!!
Do not use 'more then' when you mean 'more than'
Do not forget when to use the apostrophe with it's vs. its
Do not screw up their, there, and they're
Learn when the fuck to use 'I'. It's really ok to say 'me' where appropriate. I see incorrect usage of I within a compound object in over half of what I read these days online. People are over-correcting themselves, and it's simply not necessary. Here are correct uses of 'I' and 'me' in a compound subject and a compound object, respectively.
Example: Sally and I went to the store.
John made steaks for Sally and me.
The way you can tell whether you need to use 'I' or 'me' in a compound subject or object is to leave out the other person involved.
Thus: I went to the store.
John made steaks for me.
Incorrect usage will give you the following:
Sally and me went shopping --> Me went shopping.
John made steaks for Sally and I --> John made steaks for I.
'Me went shopping' sounds retarded, and 'John made steaks for I' sounds like you're doing a poor impersonation of a Rastafarian.
*irritated grrr-y sigh* Do people actually learn this in their high school English courses, or it is just not being taught any longer? What the hell is going on these days with grammar?? It's really frightening.
Later topics of Public Service Grammar Announcements may include correct usage of 3rd person singular subject and object pronouns (he, she, it, her, & him), and the more advanced topic of when one should use 'whom'. Suggestions are welcomed.