Jan 05, 2012 13:24
Well, if there's one thing good about getting sick, it's the chunk of reading I get done since I can't breathe well enough to sleep, I can't look down far enough to write without my nose running, and I can't focus on a computer screen for long periods of time without my eyes hurting or getting a headache. So far in the last 24 hours I've already read three books, a couple of graphic novels (re-read), and I'm hacking away at another book.
Dan was over last night for a little bit, bringing me food and company since I had the house to myself while the parents were at a party. heh...the one thing I asked him to pick up he forgot: more tissues. He's coming over again tonight and going to try to remember them this time. I had also asked him to pick up milk, a jug of juice, and a mango last night, and not only did he bring those but a bag of croutons to go with the soup packets he bought, a box of Zebra cakes for dessert, two mangoes (crunchy and unripe so very sour but really good; the other alternative was rotten), and a sandwich for himself. He even cut one of the mangoes for me, and I've left the other one on the counter to ripen a tad before I attempt it. We sat around under blankets in the dark living room (light hurt my eyes) and watched old episodes of Are You Being Served? while we ate and put Vick's vaporub under my nose so I could breathe temporarily. I couldn't breathe, period, unless my head was propped up and I was lying flat.
He's been such a sport...I sucked it up and bought 20 GB of Cloud storage space on Amazon, which includes unlimited music storage since there was no way all my music was gonna fit in their free 5GB space. Now all the music I've uploaded (about 5 GB) has been taken out of that 20 GB total and put under the "unlimited" section...so technically I have 20 GB of space I won't really use since I don't download movies or TV or games. But I wanted all of my music accessible, and in my current situation that was the only way to do it. In the original 5 GB space, they don't count the music you buy from them (since the Cloud was created; anything I bought before that little event I had to buy again), but did count your own uploaded music...they don't count any of it in the upgraded plan (a limited time offer; wasn't sure how long that would be, so I went for it just in case). How does Dan fit in that? I have to use his computer to upload the music since Mom's Mac doesn't appear compatible with the upload system despite the fact that it has iTunes and Adobe, both of which are required. So I lugged all my CDs over and we started loading them into iTunes, then into Amazon. The extra iTunes step is a pain in the butt, but as long as I have my music I'm not gonna complain. I wasn't able to upload all of it myself in the time I had, so for the last few days when he's downstairs doing laundry or playing a game he uploads a few for me. In return, I let him borrow what music he wants. Now all I have to do is find a site that has Crysis: Warhead music again and get it uploaded...
I got more information about my arrested cousin...He was rushed to the hospital Saturday or Sunday because he'd gone into withdrawal from the drugs he was on and had to be detoxed. This happened last time he was arrested, too. He was all over my aunt and uncle to post his $1600 bail...which, if he were to screw up again under it (such as run away), they would be charged $16,000 to $160,000, which they can't pay given to even pay his bail they would've had to mortgage their house again. Fortunately, (and I hate saying this), his bail was denied because he was still on probation from the last time.
So far today all I've done is get up, let Cassie in, and shower. Gonna try to eat something here in a bit; it's hard to when you're already full from swallowing so much air. This is day three. First day was sore throat and a bit of a headache. Day two was stopped up nose and runny nose. Today is both. So far I haven't used medicine other than the Vick's and a half-dose of Tylenol headache medicine to relieve the pressure. None of the cold medicines I've tried work on my nose, so I decided I wasn't going to bother. Me and my funky body chemistry...
Books read in 2012:
Cobra: Alliance by Timothy Zahn Cobra Wars trilogy book 1, resurrecting his Cobra series
The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flannagan Ranger's Apprentice series book 1
Tide of Terror by Justin Somper Vampirates series book 2
Hearts and Minds by Max Brooks G.I. Joe graphic novel
G.I. Joe by IDW G.I. Joe new series graphic novel volume 3
A Real American Hero by IDW G.I. Joe resurrected series graphic novel volume 2
Dragon Age by IDW Dragon Age series graphic novel volume 1
FoxTrot by Bill Amend FoxTrot comics book 1
Wrapped-up Foxtrot by Bill Amend FoxTrot Treasury, final daily strips
Currently Reading:
Tales from the Cobra Wars edited by Max Brooks G.I. Joe anthology
Next Up:
Choice of the Cat by E.E. Knight Vampire Earth series book 2
High King's Tomb by Kristen Britain Green Rider series book 3
Shadow's Edge by Brent Weeks Night Angel trilogy book 2 (finish)
Blood of the Mantis by Adrian Tchaikovsky Shadows of the Apt series book 3
Green Dragon Codex by R.D. Henham Dragon Codices series book 5 (finish)