
Mar 19, 2010 11:52

I'm going to win this war if it kills me. I mean my winter depression is out of the way, I'm now ready for a full on brawl with life. Went to see the doctor this morning, I have an idea. Need to wait until monday because they're fully booked today. Meh. So monday. There's a course I want to go on which should give my depression a right good kicking and as I see it I can tie up NHS resources with thousands of pounds worth of counseling and maybe potentially medication or they can send me on this course, which is far cheaper than counseling and actually solve the problem once and for all.

It won't full on kill my depression but as I see it if you remove the causes for depression you remove the likihood of depression. Or as I see it in my new Aiki way of viewing things, at the moment the constant fight against the problem is causing mental exhaustion if the blockage can be removed ki will flow and harmony can be restored. :D

I think it will be unusual for a patient to walk in with a solution rather than a problem. I need backing, not quackery. :D I may put my feet up on his desk, but then that might create a blockage in the ki flow between us :D
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