Feb 18, 2012 12:03
At work:
*Say more by saying less. Don't lie. Don't purposely withhold the truth, just don't overburden the client with information. Solve their issues quickly and efficiently and ultimately your one source of job dissatisfaction will fix itself. THAT, and get a real job with benefits and a ton of hours like an adult!
At home:
*Be concise. There's no need to justify yourself. Silence is just as important as the conversation it occupies.
In general:
*Communication is so very important to successful interactions and it is about time some effort went toward improving those skills. Look into this as it will benefit you greatly in many areas of your life.
Self Improvement Goals for Next Month:
- Use your time wisely but do not overburden yourself with unrealistic expectations. Know your limits and GENTLY test their flexibility.
- Challenge yourself to make healthy choices even when they are not convenient.
- Check your email daily. Make it something you do when you are at work and before you go to bed.
- Less complaining...more doing something about it.
- The small things are just that, small things. They have a tendency to pile up but if you keep on top of these things, they are easily manageable and you know it.
My facebook updates have begun to look more and more like fortune cookies and inspirational posters with kittens. It is a change I like, but it is taking a lot of effort to keep it up. I always worry that on my never-ending journey toward self-improvement one day I will wake up and not even be 'me' anymore. I have a fear that I will take it too far and apply myself too vigorously at it and become something I think is the definition of success by others standards. That is not what I want. I want a better me on my own terms. I want to embrace my flaws but fix them. Mistakes are forgivable if they are lessons learned. The dedication I feel toward my current project really inspires itself. This drive is both a useful and dangerous tool. Self-awareness often leads me to the base of a pine tree, missing the forest for the trees.
"...use simple, direct language instead of trying to express yourself eloquently."
It's a start.