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Feb 11, 2007 15:58

Mmm, weekend. Come back weekend, I miss you!

Friday, I roused myself super early (10am), went grocery shopping and went home, where I started yet another load of laundry and started cooking lunch (Fiesta Chili Mac stuff... not fantastic, but still edible). Put it in the oven, started making bread, took the casserole out of the oven, finished kneading the dough, left it in the (much cooler now) oven to rise and started eating lunch. Finished lunch and the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (AWESOME! Did you know there's a movie? NETFLIX AHOY!) and then started cleaning my room like there was no tomorrow. Didn't actually clean up the entire mess, but I made an extremely significant dent. Made (and burned) some granola, fixed my jean skirt so it doesn't poof to hell in the back, washed some sweaters (!!!) and attempted to make a jean skirt out of another pair of jeans, but it's doing the weird sticky-out thing instead of giving it a good A-line shape. Maybe I should split the sides and try that like this tutorial Otherwise, I'm getting a real fugly tapered shape and I'm not okay with that. Ran over to stentoriansista and hung out with her, her dad and mel21clc and got REAL drunk. Oops.

Saturday, I regained consciousness around 11 and hung out. We watched some Heroes and then ran out to Silver Spring. Bought some skull shoes at Payless and then drove up to Baltimore to go to The Book Thing. On the way, we passed this repair van. As we passed, I noticed the driver was reading a catalog and said so. stentoriansista and mel21clc had to see this for themselves, so we slowed down and I realized that the driver was not looking at a catalog, but PORN. Naked ladies. While driving. I said so and again, stentoriansista and mel21clc had to see for themselves, so we slowed down for another cruise by, both to see the porn and to get his license plate number. Because we called both his employer and the cops on his porn reading ass. (Not that I have anything again porn. I like porn. But not while operating a motor vehicle on a busy interstate)

Book Thing was awesome - I escaped with only 6 new books, including one on applique, so I can fix the giant hole in that cute cashmere sweater I ganked from westerly at a clothes swap a while ago. Then we all kind of dropped dead from grumpy, so we had dinner, which made me drop dead from ZOMG INTESTINAL DISTRESS. Maybe I'm lactose intolerant. We breezed through Target, where I still couldn't find the stupid butcher block oil, but I got a pour top for my olive oil bottle, so that's good - I can stop saving all of my corks in the hopes that one will fit.

Anyway, now I'm at work and things are thinging and you know. Whatever.

Still haven't started the GF's Valentine's present yet. Because I am lame and need felt. This gift will not be received by Valentines. Alas.

food, life: the recap, wtf mate?, consumer whore, girls are stupid, fiber addiction

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