A bit of an update

Jan 25, 2010 10:58

Not much is going on. I'm tired as all get out. My aunt is visiting, which is adding to everyone's stress levels. She seems to have been having a hard time at this post (understandable - they're working her 12 hours a day, 6 days a week) and has been vegging out to recover. She's already gone through all the Glees we had on our DVR.

I'm also having issues with my neck and shoulders. On Friday, I had a bad neck & right shoulder spasm, which meant that I was really unable to move my head and neck for most of the day. I skipped pilates, which makes me cranky (I've had to skip 3 of the last 5 sessions. BOO), since getting into position for the 100 killed all of the muscles. Got home and got loopy on muscle relaxers and icyhot, both of which helped a lot, but my shoulders are still really sore today, 3 days later. I'm going for a run today again finally, but I'm still afraid that I'm going to tense myself into oblivion.

I've officially asked for my half day off in 2 weeks and on that day, stentoriansista and I are going to the DMV and I am taking my damn driving test. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!!!!!) We practiced parking in a parking lot a bit after we registered on Thursday (and I think that may have added to the shoulder tenseness), and I'm definitely not perfect, but I can get by. Which, by the way, if anyone has ever registered for anything, is freaking weird. I mean, it's totally fun and you get to run around and pick out the things you want for you home (dishes and silverware that match! And more than 4 of them! Pans that aren't from IKEA! Whee!), but then there's the fine china. I love the set we picked out, but I don't understand how a company can charge $135 for a sugar bowl. It's a bowl. For sugar.

We're hoping to buy a house in the next few months... if we can get one of the many realtors around here to return our phone calls. (Seriously, this shouldn't be hard. We want to give you money. Call us back!) We got pre-approved for our loan from BofA, which was surprisingly easy and in exactly the range we wanted. Now we just have to find a house that we like, with working plumbing & electricity, vermin free, in the District, but not where we'll get shot. It can happen. It can totally happen. I think.

I'm also being directed by the fabulous goingdriftless in The Vagina Monologues on Valentine's Weekend. Come and see me talk about lady parts! WOO! I promise we don't suck, and it's a fundraiser to help empower women. You don't want to leave the women unempowered, do you?

In other news, I'm really enjoying being on flickr and doing the 365 project, but I still don't feel like I'm taking good pictures yet. Or when I stuble into a good shot, I do it by accident. I suppose I need to devote more than 5 minutes a day to taking shots, or try to set it up and stage it with a more discerning eye. And actually read the manual for my camera. I'm working on it.

exercise, housing, life: the recap, homohitched, driving

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