Tired of Hungry

Jun 11, 2009 15:04

So, last night, stentoriansista and I made a stir fry after the gym. It consisted of chinese cabbage, garlic scapes, pak choi (all from farm share), broccoli, snap peas (both farmers market), onion, chicken, noodles and some seasonings (sadly, all from the grocery store). It was tasty and I was starving, so I quickly dug into it.

Then, about 45 minute later, I had seconds.

Then, half an hour after that, I had a pint of strawberries with some ice cream.

Then an hour after that, I had a couple of spoonfuls of ice cream.

Then I went to bed hungry, despite practically eating my weight in food.

I wasn't dehydrated, trust me. I went through 2 water bottles worth of water last night (48 oz) and went through a 20 oz water bottle at the gym. I could have just been wanting to replace all the extra calories that I burned at the gym too or I could have been PMSing, I'm not sure.

But here's the thing. I wasn't that hungry this morning, but ate a good sized breakfast (peanut butter, graham crackers & cherries). When I sat down to lunch, I was hungry, but not starving.

I'm ravenous now and have been ever since I finished eating. It's the kind of hungry that I know isn't actually me wanting food, but it's annoying as all hell, because I want to just keep eating until I feel sick. Add to this that stentoriansista started feeling sick last night and I'm just wondering how this happened?

Twitter consensus is that I didn't get enough protein (pretty sure I did) or that it just awoke a hunger in me (how very romance novel!) (also, I don't think so).

Then there's the stentoriansista theory that I have a tapeworm.

food, whining

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