One of the weirdest things about being a grown up is discovering that you actually like vegetables. I am currently have torrid love affairs with beets (golden and the kind that turns your fingers purple) and sweet potatoes. Like, I went to get a salad today and seriously considered filling the whole to go container with beets and just eating that with my chicken fingers (don't worry, I added lettuce). But OMG BEETS. I LOVE THEM. THEY TOTALLY ARE
NATURE'S CANDY. Also, it's amazing how much better veggies taste when they're fresh instead of canned. I went 'Oooh beets!' at yesterday's salad bar and was unpleasantly surprised to discover that they were not tasty because they were from a can. And I'm not going to talk about the canned vs. frozen green beans for green bean casserole debate.
I'm just saying, it's a nice change from having to choke down broccoli or eating dinner of meat and rice growing up. Also, reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle really makes me want to garden. I'm a crappy gardener, but it makes me want to try.