Mar 23, 2012 04:36
Dooptidoo, wow, haven't posted in a while, again. Lessee, what's new? Eh, not much.
Hunger Games! ...actually, that's a bit of forced enthusiasm there, because apparently unlike the rest of the world I will probably not see it. Why? Well, for one, I haven't read the book(s?) So I have no clue what it's about, aside from what I glean from the trailers. I could google it, but I'm lazy. But really, the main reason I'm iffy about it is that when I watch the trailers, I can't help but look at that woman with the pink clothes and the poofy afro and think "....The Happiness Patrol is back."
Seriously. Tell me I'm not the only Doctor Who fan who immediately compared the similarities.
Not that I think the Happiness Patrol is a bad episode. I mean, it's got Ace, and the Doctor playing blues-spoons, gotta love that.
But yeah. Prolly won't see it. I'm saving my four tickets for Avengers and Spider-Man.
Speaking of movies, I read that apparently, they're basing the possibility of a third Tron movie on whether or not the cartoon being released this summer flies well. I have immediately begun biting my nails in anxiety over this, as rarely has any cartoon I've loved lasted for more than a few seasons (Danny Phantom comes to mind.) Though I'm fairly sure that, when they finally do release the airdate for the first episode, my head will explode. Violently.
Anyhoo. In more recent news, I have the chance to go to the San Diego Zoo next week, but it would require I get on a train to Irvine, whereupon my grandma would also board (ha, the chances of getting on the same car are slim, good luck with that) and ride with to SD. Bleh. Sounds like a lot of fret and hassle. I'd love to do the zoo, but I'm not sure it's worth it.
Of course, that same argument is also the reason for my internal battle over birthday plans. I would love to go to Disneyland/California Adventure and do ElecTRONica before it goes away, and I honestly wouldn't mind spending $99 for a 2-day pass, but how would I get there? I wouldn't be able to drive and park, so someone would have to drop me off, and pick me up at who-knows-when in the morning/night. And mom has shown little interest in spending the same price to join me in the park for 2 days of Star Tours and Grid entertainment. Because, yeah, that's pretty much all I'd be doing. Riding Star Tours, and wandering around the Grid.
It's currently 4:30, wtf. I should just stay up the rest of the night and day and try to reset my stupid body clock. This insomnia is driving me nuts.