Feb 20, 2008 15:21
Quick update between classes - History starts in ten minutes. Though I dunno what I'm going to say exactly. C++ officially numbs my brain, and I think I'll be lucky if I scrape by in it. Or maybe that's just the teacher. My desk partners seem just as lost as I. Health Science should be fun though, Bruchett is real funny.
Speaking of funny, Gabriel Iglesias is gonna be performing in the Landis Auditorium here, how cool is that? Tickets are 12 bucks though, so I dunno if I'm going. I want to though. I'd be able to. I'm here on tuesdays anyways.
EDIT: So the history prof. was a no-show and won't be back till Monday, hahah. The sub took roll, handed out a syllabus, and said "see yah later." So now I'm home early. yay me.
Dad's been home sick all day though, lounging on the downstairs couch getting his germy germs all over everything. Grr. Am now locked in room to avoid the germy germs. May need to go out for chinese or sommit for dinner - the kitchen is likely contaiminated as well. hmph.
Bowling tomorrow morning, hurrah. X3 For right now, though, I have to finish my online rounds, put away my clothes, bluetooth this NCIS theme song mp3 to my phone, and figure out how to Flowchart a program to make a robot walk down an aisle, turn left, walk to a light switch and turn on the light.