No shitting. Just a few millimeters I think and I'll be there. Kinda surprised cos I haven't be stretching to be able to. Must be the yoga, only thing that can really explain it, that or the extra weight is keeping me down! Just tried it the other week and was like 'whoooooooa! Bitchin
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congrats on the splits. need to get back into yoga before my limbs completely cease up lol.
How romantic.
Geri's yoga dvd is good, I do it twice a week and it isn't too challenging for a beginner, I just advance the poses I'm 'comfortable' with
Do you need a mat? Cos there is a shop in Crossgates which does them for quite cheap (I think they have some in still), they are usually quite expensive, I have a Scooby Doo one lol.
Me and my dance mentor got the DS out on Wed to try some new positions and us being us had to choose all the rock hard ones we couldn't do lmfao. It was also interesting as she could do or nearly do the ones I couldn't and the same the other way round! I did get into a new one though which I'm proud about, I'll try and find the name so you can try it. I'm still pround that I can do 'the crane' though! Makes me look good lol
Need to get my game out and have a looky, some of the poses are like whoooooaa.
Yeah there are loads which are sooo hard, some look simple too and there are not. Me and Jenni are going to a class in Chapeltown next Thursday if you are interested/feel ok with going. Otherwise if you can to join me we can even have our own session to get is motivated!
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