No shitting. Just a few millimeters I think and I'll be there. Kinda surprised cos I haven't be stretching to be able to. Must be the yoga, only thing that can really explain it, that or the extra weight is keeping me down! Just tried it the other week and was like 'whoooooooa! Bitchin'!'.
Anyway, as for that and my current sneezing fit (I better be careful because I need a pee), I am procastinating as usually, putting off finishing my Laban application. Don't really know why I'm doing it, I won't get it. And that's not me being my usual pessimistic self, but my logical and realistic side. Even if I was good enough, too many people apply. Bastards, get your own dream!
Oh wait, really need to piss now...
Been and I still need to go again. I ruddy hate my bladder, it's worse than an 86 year old's. Also with his bladder it isn't great as I'm trying to get used to wearing a leotard again after gaining weight and oh the issues of going to the toliet, sometimes I wish they just had poppers.
Ah no, just thought of the Soda Popper's from Sam and Max and one of them is called Whizzer and he has a peeing problem.
Time out for number 1! Argh though I think I really need to set up the 'change kerryryan's username fund'. REALLY want to change it but can't justify paying that amount for a name change. kerryryan is the old me and I don't really look up to Lee anymore, I used to think his thickness was endearing, now it's just idiocy (ha can't even spell that). I can't wait to hear when his son asks 'how did mummy and daddy meet?' Will be pure gold. He's still a nice guy though.
But honestly I really do want to change it but I'm not getting a new account, this has everything I have and I don't want to start again. Been thinking what I would call it and I don't think I want my usual 'Harley Quinn', 'Daphne Blake' or 'Dancing Spice' and they will probs be taken. Would like something Harry Potter related mostly, but the only thing that I've thought of so far is Monkey Island related 'iamthesecretofmonkeyisland' which is long but as a gamer is funny.
Still kicks kerryryan's ass.
So really I want a new Harry themed name or Monkey Island/Sam and Max/Harley/Spice Girls would also be the shizzle.
Damn you greedy LJ bastards.
Time to pee.