What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Social Nerd
You're interested in things such as politics, psychology, child care, and peace. I wouldn't go so far as to call you a hippie, but some of you
may be tree-huggers. You're the type of people who are interested in bettering the world. You're possible the least nerdy of them all; unless you participate
in other activies that paled your nerdiness compared to your involvement in social activities. Whatever the case, we could still use more of you around.
Literature Nerd
Drama Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Anime Nerd
Be Your Nerd Type?Quizzes for MySpace I was expecting Book Nerd, but Social Nerd's not so bad.
This week's been uneventful schoolwise. Started math tutoring on Thursday, and so far I'm hopeful. Went to the Museum of Natural History yesterday with my Bio class and spent nearly five hours walking around looking at mamalian ancestors and getting really bored. Last night I went to the musical at my brother's school, where he was playing in the pit. The show was ... ok, the pit band was better. And today was BKG, which was fun as always.
Only one more week of school till break. YAY!!